Apr 15, 2022

Full Capital Raise Service Delivery Overview

Teal Flower

Full Capital Raise Service Delivery Overview

Soluris Capital is a global capital raising firm based in Montreal that assists companies in North America, Europe, LaTam, and Asia. The founder has had experience working in Investment Banking at a large Canadian Bank, serving the largest companies in Canada with their capital needs, as well as experience in management consulting at McKinsey & Company, the world’s leading consulting firm. The team has experience in B2B lead generation and has generated real results for multiple companies across the world. Our approach varies based on the deal's type, company stage, and industry vertical.

Thesis to Capital Raise

The traditional approach to raising capital consists of manually reaching out to investors, tapping into an existing network, attending events, or hiring expensive banks. With new modern tools available and marketing experience, we can apply new methods that are not widely adopted to raising capital and approaching investors. 

The main goal when raising capital is to achieve Investor-Message-Fit, which is defined as targeting the right investor segment with an aligned mandate focused message. The same way an entrepreneur is trying to achieve product-market-fit, the concept can apply to raising capital. 

To make this happen, the perspective around raising capital has to shift from “seeking investment” to “marketing and selling an equity or debt product”. In other words, we must market investment opportunities as we would products or services in the new digital age. 

Process Breakdown

We offer a full service, done-with-you capital raising to help founders, executives and GP’s achieve their funding goals, and ultimately achieve Investor-Message-Fit.

Our service consist of 5 key parts:

  1. Define investor segment

  2. Create the messaging and story

  3. Launch outreach campaign

  4. Present to potential investors

  5. Conduct due diligence

The goal is to receive as many term sheets and sub agreements as possible in the shortest amount of time possible. 

Campaign Phases and Deliverables

Phase 1: Solving For Investor Segment

We begin by understanding which investor type would be the best fit for your capital offering. We use our experience and our investor type matrix to identify the investors most likely to react to your company. We access databases, our rolodex of existing investors, and curate a list of every investor in the world that has a current mandate for your deal criteria. 

Deliverable 1: Investor Types Identification & Segmentation

  • Identify investor types aligned with your deal parameters.

  • Provide a comprehensive worksheet to guide the identification process.

  • Segment investors based on key variables such as stage, deal type, valuation, capital raised to date, team and track record, product market fit, industry or vertical, location, market sentiment and exit strategy.

Deliverable 2: Curated Investor Segment List

  • Capture Investor data using proprietary technology and enterprise level databases.

  • Generate leads from retail investors including existing investments, investment size, phone number, email address, first & last name.

  • Compile a curated list of mandate-specific investors based on worksheet findings

  • Leverage personal networks.

  • Tailor the list to align precisely with your deal parameters, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in outreach efforts.

Deliverable 3: Granular Firm and Individual Identification

  • Delve deeper into the investor segment list to identify specific firms and individuals.

  • Ensure precision targeting in outreach efforts to maximize qualified leads, engagement and investor commitments.

Phase 2: Solving For Messaging

We create the core messaging and story for your investment offer, build the sales assets that go with it. This consists of creating a unified “teaser” document (one-pager of your company), an investor presentation (pitch deck) that we create based on a database of past pitch decks, the messaging sequencing (email, direct message), and finally, in some cases, for qualified retail offering, we’d create video investor presentations and video ads.

Deliverable 1: Crafting Your Foundational Teaser Document

  • Develop a foundational teaser document serving as the cornerstone of your messaging strategy.

  • Components include an executive summary, business or investment strategy, market opportunity analysis, company or fund performance (if applicable), track record of key executives or fund managers, company or fund size and structure, business or investment focus and thesis, team expertise and experience, investment opportunity and terms, and additional relevant information.

Deliverable 2: Refining/Creating Your Presentation Deck

  • Utilize a proven deck format to effectively communicate the value proposition of your company or fund and investment opportunity to investors/LPs.

  • Structure the presentation with sections covering company or fund overview, business or investment strategy, market opportunity, company or fund performance (if applicable), team expertise, company or fund structure, business or investment portfolio, exit strategy, fundraising goals, investor benefits, and next steps.

  • Provide access to additional resources including industry-leading pitch decks, templates, and best practices for reference and inspiration.

Deliverable 3: Creating a Video Investor Presentation Example (Optional)

  • Record a video presentation showcasing the fund's investment thesis, team expertise, and investment opportunity.

  • Keep the duration between 5-7 minutes, focusing on key highlights, value proposition, and potential returns for investors.

  • Utilize visual aids, graphics, and storytelling techniques to enhance engagement and comprehension.

  • Distribute the video presentation through online channels and investor networks to expand reach and visibility.

Phase 3: Solving For Channel

This is when we select the best channels and launch the outreach campaign to reach potential investors. We use a private email server capable of sending out thousands of emails per day using your own company-facing domains that we created. We would also launch the advertising campaigns on LinkedIn, or Meta, depending on the situation. 

Deliverable 1: Creating Your Outreach Machine

  • We can use Private Servers to blast emails by using company-facing domains (i.e., variations of “YourCompanyName.com”, such as “YourCompanyNameInvestors.com”)

  • Develop personalized outreach from the teaser document for outreach to potential investors and/or LP’s.

  • Structure the template with an introduction, key highlights, funding requirements, and a call to action.

  • Use advanced AI-powered tools and industry-leading SaaS to refine and optimize email content for maximum engagement and conversion.

  • Finalize and refine email content in collaboration with the fund management team or company executives for consistency and alignment with the messaging strategy.

  • Utilize automation to streamline the process of generating interest among your target list of investors.

Deliverable 2: Adding LinkedIn 

  • Supplement email outreach efforts with automation tools on LinkedIn to enhance engagement with potential investors.

  • Utilize LinkedIn to provide an additional touchpoint and expand the scope of communication beyond traditional email channels.

  • This approach is particularly effective for reaching accredited retail investors, including angels, high net worth individuals, and institutional investors.

Phase 4: Solving For Presentation

Once investors have demonstrated interests, we would organize and set all the calls with investors directly on your calendar. To prepare for these meetings, we would help you craft a perfect pitch, as well as prepare you by doing dry-runs and reviewing the pitch deck with you. Prior to the meeting with investors, we would also gather information so that you know more about them. Finally, we would record and debrief every meeting, as well as create iterations on the presentation based on the feedback we receive during the calls. 

Deliverable 1: Developing Your Pitch with Hierarchical Dynamics

  • Engage a seasoned professional with expertise in Investment Banking, Venture Capital, or capital markets to assist in developing your presentation.

  • Leverage their expertise to streamline the presentation development process and accelerate progress towards securing term sheets or signed agreements.

Deliverable 2: Iterative Refinement Process

  • Harness questions and address sticking points raised during meetings to refine your presentation iteratively.

  • Incorporate feedback and insights gathered from meetings into subsequent presentations to foster a constructive feedback loop, continually improving the relevance and effectiveness of your pitch.

  • Actively listen to feedback and adapt your presentation accordingly to tailor your message effectively to your audience.

Deliverable 3: Utilizing Pre-Pitch Video Investor Presentation

  • Utilize The Video Investor Presentation as a strategic asset to engage and inform potential investors prior to direct communication.

  • Lay the groundwork for subsequent discussions, facilitating a streamlined process from initial contact to the issuance of term sheets.

  • Establish your Hierarchical Dynamic, positioning your team as knowledgeable and authoritative in the eyes of investors.

Phase 5: Solving For Investor Due Diligence

The final step of the process is to conduct the due diligence that will happen before investors decide to invest their capital. We would create and manage the Data Room, follow our due diligence requirements steps, and act as a liaison between your company and investors. We would assist in the pre and post term sheet negotiations. 

Deliverable 1: Establishing a Comprehensive Data Room

  • Prioritize the establishment of a comprehensive and well-organized data room before the initial meeting with investors.

  • Ensure the data room contains all necessary documentation and information relevant to the investment opportunity.

  • Organize the data room in a logical and easily navigable manner to facilitate an expeditious review process.

Deliverable 2: Minimizing Hold-ups during Due Diligence

  • Identify potential gaps or deficiencies in the data room content and proactively address them to prevent hold-ups during due diligence.

  • Curate and maintain the data room to ensure completeness and accessibility of all pertinent documentation.

  • Pay meticulous attention to detail in organizing and presenting information within the data room to instill investor confidence and minimize delays.

Deliverable 3: Expediting Deal Closure

  • Leverage the comprehensive and well-organized data room to expedite the due diligence process, thereby accelerating the progression towards securing commitments and closing the deal.

  • Anticipate and address potential investor concerns or questions proactively to mitigate any last-minute hurdles or obstacles to deal closure.

  • Maintain open lines of communication with investors throughout the due diligence process to ensure a smooth and efficient transition from initial engagement to deal closure.


  1. Onboarding (Week 1)

  • Receive and review all relevant information for the investor outreach campaign.

  • Have calendars shared with our team members in order to book appointments.

  • Build-out of Back-end CRM and integrations.

  • Training the Corporate Communications Team on your Fundraising Offer.

  • Set up outbound infrastructure.

  1. Sales Collateral (Week 2) 

  • Initial build-out of all creative assets for outreach.

  • Teaser Document, One Pager Creation/Refinement.

  • Video Presentation Creation.

  • Data Room Refinement.

  1. Messaging/Communication (Week 2 [done in conjunction with 2.])

  • Initial Build-out of Campaigns, Copy, etc.

  • Qualifying questions to verify larger investors (+ $1M).

  • Messaging Approved by your team.

  1. Launch Campaign (Week 3)

  • Initial test of campaign.

  • Begin calling captured leads on a daily basis.

  • Make initial adjustments as necessary.

  1. Post Campaign Optimisation (Week 4 Onwards)

  • Due diligence reports on all investors/LPs prior to meetings.

  • Sitting/Note-taking on meetings.

Roles and Responsibilities

Soluris Capital

  • Investor Leads Generation.

  • Content Creation.

  • Subscription fees for lead generation platforms.

  • Capture investor data through in-app lead forms.

  • Compile and curate a list of mandate-specific investors based on worksheet findings.

  • Offer expertise in incorporating feedback from investor interactions into subsequent presentations.

  • Provide strategic guidance on refining the pitch iteratively based on investor feedback.

  • Manage email automation platform subscriptions.

  • Implement LinkedIn automation tools.

  • Oversee and manage automated outreach campaigns.

  • Provide guidance on messaging strategies and best practices for effective outreach.

Your Company:

  • Collaborate closely with Soluris Capital to provide insights into deal parameters and investor preferences.

  • Communicate effectively with Soluris Capital to ensure alignment on campaign objectives and strategies.

  • Provide feedback on presentation drafts and iterations based on investor interactions.

  • Participate actively in the iterative refinement process to tailor the pitch to resonate effectively with investors.

  • Aim to close investors that are brought by Soluris Capital.


  • Weekly reports on advertisements and promotions.

  • Campaign Report on functionality of the campaign and how the ROI & KPIs for acquired leads look.

Copyright © 2024 Soluris Capital. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024 Soluris Capital. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024 Soluris Capital. All rights reserved.